Tuesday 25 February 2014

8 Common Drinks and Foods to Help With Asthma

While many of these remedies have not been scientifically proven to help with asthma symptoms, many will swear by them in terms of their abilities to reduce the severity and frequency of the symptoms. Try these remedies in conjunction with the ones that your doctors prescribe and maybe they will help you too.
1. Ginger and Thyme Essential Oil in Tea
Although ginger can be ground up and added to the tea, buying a oil like doterra thyme or ginger essential oil to add to tea or inhaled through a diffuser can really help open up the airways and reduce the inflammation in the lungs that cause asthma attacks. Although eucalyptus essential oil can also help with asthma, do not use it during an attack.
2. Water With Lemon Juice
Drinking a tablespoon of water with two tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice has also worked for some people. Be sure to repeat this every night as it takes some time for the effects to show. Some have also used this mixture while having an attack to good effect.
3. Coffee
Hot and strong coffee can make an immediate effect on closed airways and can let air pass through easier. No milk and sugar should be used as that can increase the phlegm build up along the throat and make it harder to breathe. Make sure the coffee you use is very strong.
4. Water With Salt and Baking Soda
Adding a teaspoon of salt and a pinch of baking soda to a cup of warm water and running it through your nose over a sink or toilet can also open up the airways and let more air through to the lungs. The temperature of the water needs to be just right to avoid burning yourself or being uncomfortable with cold water running through your nose.
5. Onions
A great way to reduce inflammation, Onions can be eaten raw or cooked to help loosen up the airways. Try to include it in some dishes when you make your lunch or dinner.
6. Spicy Foods
Chilies and peppers can help produce fluids in the mouth, lungs and throats that will help dilute the phlegm build up and help remove it by coughing. Peppers also contain anti inflammation agents that help widen passageways to help making breathing easier.
7. Salmon
Salmon is said to contain omega 3 fatty acids like sardines and tuna that will help strengthen the lungs so that they can deal with contaminants better. This is a good way to help both people with asthma and those without it to increase the vitality of their respiratory system.
8. Orange Juice
Orange juice, which contains vitamin C helps keep the lining of the lungs healthy and people with asthma generally have a deficiency in the vitamin and a few glasses of orange juice a day can really help.
Use these remedies at home and they will help in reducing your discomfort and attacks. However, be sure to seek advice from a doctor to make sure none of these items react badly with your medicines.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Tips on Perfecting Your Smile

Practice on your mirror every day
Above all else, your mirror is your most dependable friend when it comes to tolerating your vanity. Tell me. How many minutes do you spend every morning in front of your bathroom mirror? How many minutes do you do your make up in front of your vanity mirror? Since you are already spending a significant amount of your time in front of this wonderful device, why don't you take this time to practice your smile? When you know how beautiful you look when you smile, you won't hesitate when you feel the urge use it.
Come up with a variation to your smile
I am sure that you have a signature smile that is most suitable to your face. However, for the sake of variety, it will do you good if you come up with a few other types of smiles. For example, there is a difference between a happy smile and a flirty smile. Surely, the difference is more clear between a happy smile and a sad smile. Other kinds of smile such as the sarcastic smile and the flirty smile supports by other facial expressions-like the glint in the eyes or the tone of the voice. If you perfect each of your smiles in front of the mirror, they can greatly be at your advantage when the time to use them comes.
Enhance your lips
This advice is most useful for the women. The most common of these beauty enhancements is the lipstick. There are, of course, other types like the lip balm and lip gloss. The use of any of these depends on the occasion, especially when you are using the lipstick. Some shades of lipstick are better used at night. Taking this into consideration, you are mindful of shade that better complements your smile.
Take care of your teeth
Come on. What use is a perfectly colored pair of lips when distracting teeth peek behind the smile? The shape of your teeth does not really matter. It's not your fault when you have crooked or uneven teeth-although you can remedy that with a quick trip to the dental clinic. The unforgivable thing is when you neglect the care of your teeth. Imagine how discoloration (read: yellowing teeth) or visible plaque on your teeth can dramatically diminish the charm of your smile. Take your brushing and flossing seriously. There is one other important task. Although this may seem troublesome, make it a point to visit your dental clinic once every six months. You may not need that, but your teeth do.
Practice your smiles in front of people
You have perfected your smiles in front of the mirror - that's great! Now, it's time to use it on people. If you are the shy type, you can just practice in front of your family and friends first. However, you will have to gather your courage eventually and flash that smile to random people. After all, that is the best way to test the strength of your smile's charm.

10 Things Acupuncture Can Treat

Acupuncture is a form of natural healing that can help you in multiple ways. It has been used for thousands of years and is a form of Chinese medicine that is still being used to this day. What surprises many people are the number of different things that can be treated effectively through the use of acupuncture. Here are 10 things that you should keep in mind because if you suffer from them, acupuncture may be able to help.
Sinus Disorders - There are many people that suffer from a variety of sinus disorders that have found some relief through the use of acupuncture. Those disorders may include anything from a case of sinusitis to regular hayfever that they suffer from every year.
Vertigo - If you suffer from dizzy spells due to vertigo, you may find it difficult to treat it through traditional medicine. Acupuncture, on the other hand, may be able to help you to reduce vertigo and feel better.
High Blood Pressure - One of the more common problems that is seen is high blood pressure. Although it does not have any symptoms that are typically associated with it, the increase of pressure in your blood vessels can lead to serious consequences. Acupressure may help you to reduce your blood pressure and can be used along with other natural treatments to keep it at normal levels.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome - If you have a problem with IBS, you may get some relief from your symptoms when you use acupuncture. IBS is an issue that affects millions of people and it can be quite uncomfortable. Modern medicine does not hold out much hope, other than controlling the symptoms through the use of pharmaceutical drugs. Acupuncture, on the other hand, can help you to get to the root of the problem and solve it from there.
Weight Loss - Many people don't consider acupuncture when they are trying to lose weight. Although it is still necessary for you to eat healthy and to cut your calories, acupuncture can help you to do so by curbing your appetite and making it easier for you to push yourself away from the table.
Chronic Fatigue - There are very few treatment options that are available for chronic fatigue when you go to your doctor. When you use acupuncture, it can help to release the energy that made the pent-up and causing the fatigue that you are experiencing.
Quit Smoking - Nicotine withdrawal is one of the more difficult addictions to break. Acupuncture can help you to have the willpower and it can also reduce your cravings.
Food Allergies - Being allergic to food is not only uncomfortable, it can be life-threatening. Acupuncture may be able to help you to reduce your food allergies so that you don't need to be as concerned about the issue.
Anxiety - All of us deal with anxiety but there are times when it may become chronic. Rather than taking some type of unnatural drug, you can use acupuncture to help relax your senses and feel better.
Arthritis - If you suffer from the pain and stiffness associated with arthritis, you may be able to get some relief naturally by using acupuncture treatments.

Sunday 16 February 2014

Healthy Skin!!!....Find In Your Kitchen

Healthy skin happens when we eat good foods, have enough
exercise, minimize stress and protect our skin from the
harsh environment.
Certain foods are especially beneficial to the skin.
is one such food. It contains sulphur compounds
(which give it its rather strong odor) which are beneficial
to your skin. It also acts as a natural antibiotic and
cleanses the whole system. If you like garlic, eat it as
much as you can. If the smell worries you, chew a piece of
parsley afterwards and this will neutralize it. Odorless
garlic tablets are available if this is all too hard.
Vitamin C is probably the most important skin vitamin
in my opinion. Not least because the human body can neither
make it or store it. This vitamin helps collagen formation
which keeps the skin looking young and plump. This could be
why smoker's skin can look older than a non smoker's.
Smoking also uses up the oxygen in the blood. Give it up if
humanly possible or at least cut it down.
Vitamin C is best consumed together with bioflavonoids,
the way it is normally found in nature. The two have a
synergistic effect. They can be found in Citrus fruit,
berries such as strawberries and blueberries and vegetables
such as broccoli.
Broccoli also contain vitamin A, an important vitamin
for skin as it helps it fight infection from the inside out.
Great for those with acne! Have some every other day if you
Carrots are a great source of carotenoids such as
"beta-carotene" which your body converts to vitamin A .
Beta-carotene is absorbed into the skin and can also protect
it from the sun's harmful UV rays. Carrots also contain
"alpha carotene" which protects against free radical damage.
Carrots are a great way to get your vitamin A as excess
carotenoids are expelled by the body. Too much vitamin A is
toxic to the body.
Dark leafy green vegetables, particularly kale and
spinach are a good source of zinc and iron. Iron will make
sure your skin gets enough oxygen and zinc is a great pimple
fighter. Eat some every day if you possible can or include
some in a fresh juice.
Parsley deserves a separate mention as it is rich in
just about all the skin boosting nutrients. It contains beta
carotene, chlorophyll, vitamin B12, folic acid (great for
firm skin), vitamin C and iron. Parsley can be added to
juices, casseroles, sprinkled over any savory dish or simply
chewed by itself. Its great for fresh breath too. Parsley is
easy to grow, pop some in a pot and keep it near the kitchen
Olive oil is fabulous for dry skin and wrinkles. Use
it for cooking - it contains monounsaturated fats and anti
oxidants- or slather it on your skin after a bath.
Flaxseeds and flax oil (also known as linseed)
contain the essential omega 3 oils not found in many foods.
(Fish also contains omega 3). Flaxseeds contain fiber and
phytoestrogens which balance the body's hormones and are
vital for younger looking skin. Sprinkle some on your cereal
or use in soups and stews.
Avocados give skin (especially dry skin) a boost.
Although fairly high in fat, its the healthy monounsaturated
kind which makes dry skin supple. Avocados contain
glutathione which is one of the most powerful antioxidants
around and will prevent cell damage in all skin types. They
are also high in potassium.
Drink as much water as you can, this flushes out toxins and
helps to hydrate the skin. If you can't drink eight glasses
a day - I can't unless its 40 degrees - then just drink as
much as you can without being uncomfortable.
Skin needs sufficient protein to replace and repair itself.
Most of us have plenty of protein in our diets but a lot of
it comes with a lot of fat attached. If you can substitute
low fat items e.g. milk, peanut butter, cheese etc, then do
so. You'll still be eating the same amount. Lean meat is
fine, fish is even better as it contains natural omega 3
oils which are great for your skin and your health.
Try and add as many fruits and vegetables as possible to
your diet. If you 're a committed junk food "junkie" this
may seem impossible, but if you tackle it in small bites (pun intended!) It will be easy. Commit yourself to healthy
foods on certain days of the week or drink water instead of
soda in the afternoons. When this becomes comfortable,
expand it to every day. Its just breaking old habits and
replacing them with new ones. After a while you'll be
comfortable with it. And you'll feel better and loose weight
The purists tell us that all vitamins and minerals can be
obtained from foods and there is no need for us to take
supplements. In theory this is true, however the stress of
life today probably robs our system of vitamin B. Smoking
uses up about 35 mg of vitamin C per day.
Added to this, the practice of storing fresh
produce for extended amounts of time, can't help but deplete
the natural vitamins in these foods. The pollution in our
cities and some of our bad habits like eating junk and
smoking (who me?) leads to the production of free radicals
in the body. For this we need an antioxidant which contains
among others beta carotene (a precursor of vitamin A),
vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, lycopene (found in tomatoes)
and zinc.
Healthy skin loves exercise! It doesn't matter what kind.
Walking, jogging, all types of sport, aerobics, thumping
around in the gym, whatever you enjoy try and fit it in
three times a week. If you don't enjoy any exercise, find
one! Join a group of people or find a walking buddy, you
get to enjoy it I promise!
Stress is bad for you and bad for your skin. Stress will
slow the circulation of blood to the skin causing a shortage
of oxygen to the cells. It will also deplete certain
nutrients from the body - for example vitamin B. It can ruin
your sleep thus preventing the repair and regeneration of
skin cells. It will put worry lines on your face and will
make you look old before your time! Who needs it? No-one!
check out this page on stress to see how you can deal with
this incapacitating disorder now!
As you may have gathered from all this, having a healthy
skin is the same as having a healthy body, it's worth
maintaining a good diet and lifestyle so you not only look
great but you feel great too!

Saturday 15 February 2014

Stressed? Have You Tried This Yet?

Due to an overload of stress in today's modern world, we can often lose touch with our sense of calm and even our sense of who we are.
While not to blame, cities play a big part in the overload our systems are exposed to, which is why this one simple tip often works wonders to alleviate the symptoms of stress and calm the nerves, which is a good thing for anybody.
When I first heard this tip, images of long-haired hippies with hairy feet flashed across my mind- however I am prepared to try anything if it works and lo and behold this worked.
The next time you're feeling stressed out, overloaded with so much on your plate you're not sure what day it is, give this simple tip a go and see it if helps.
Find a nice patch of lawn or grass covered-area somewhere, remove your shoes and socks, and simply walk around on it bare foot.
I have no scientific evidence to validate why this works so well, only the empirical evidence, I and many others have experienced first-hand.
I totally understand it sounds crazy and I have no idea why it works, but for some reason, after a few minutes you are suddenly calmer, more grounded and able to think with a clearer mind.
For Supersized Results
For even greater results, take it to the next level and make time to get out into Nature at least once a day.
If you're in a big city, find a park or anywhere that has trees and ground that isn't made of concrete.
There's something about being in Nature, that relaxes you while clearing away any stress or mental fogginess that may have accumulated in daily life.
At first, it may seem a bit strange to be out in the woods when you're used to the buzz of city life, however do this a few times and it soon becomes second nature. Something that really helps is to find a fun activity that takes place in nature (e.g. hiking, trail running, rock climbing etc).
Belly Breathing Technique
Another quick and effective tip for immediate stress relief is the Belly Breathing Technique.
The next time you feel overwhelmed by stress or anxiety, simply take a deep breath in through your nose, picturing the air travelling all the way down to behind your belly button.
Breathe in for 5 seconds, hold the air in behind your belly button for 5 seconds, then breathe out through your mouth for 5 seconds, releasing all the stress and tension with each out breath.
In for 5 - Hold for 5 - out for 5 seconds.
Do this a few times until you feel a release of tension and experience a state of calm.
Again, don't believe me, try it for yourself a few times and see if you notice any improvement in your peace of mind.
That's it for now, hope these tips help.

Home Herbal Migraine Remedies

This is one of my favorite topics! Wanna know why?

Because I've suffered from migraines for 2 years, and my unique position as an herbalist and acupuncturist has allowed me to learn about and experiment with a number of home migraine remedy you may not have heard of.

Chinese herbal medicine is still new and unknown to most westerners. I've found some effective solutions from China that few people know about.

And now I get to share them with you!

On this page, I'm going to talk exclusively about home migraine remedy - if you want to read more about migraine symptoms, causes, and acupuncture, check out my previous articles:

What is a Migraine, anyway?
It's more than a headache. It's a neurological configuration - any number of symptoms can show up, and more than one thing can cause it.

It's as if you tend toward this neurological configuration, called migraine - like you're already on the edge of it, and certain things can push you over.

Or, it's like you're filling a water glass, but you can't stop pouring, and it overflows. In this analogy, the water is all the factors that cause your migraine, and the overflow is the migraine itself.

How do you stop the Migraine tendency?
The way to prevent it is to balance the imbalances that lead to migraine. Your home migraine remedy should take care of at least one of these imbalances.

I'm going to suggest our basic home migraine remedy, called "Relieve Constraint" that will help with a number of the causes of migraine.

Here are the major migraine contributors,
with at least one home migraine remedy each:

1. Stress and emotional constraint: Relieve Constraint herbal formula

2. Sinus congestion and sinus headaches: Relieve Constraint herbal formula, and possibly a sinus infection home remedy

3. Indigestion and dysbiosis: Relieve Constraint herbal formula, get any complicated or chronic digestive problems diagnosed and treatment by a natural medicine specialist

4. Inflammation: Relieve Constraint herbal formula

5. Neck misalignment and tension headaches (this is your author right here, sitting at a computer): Chiropractic and acupuncture, stress reduction, and Relieve Constraint herbal formula

6. Food allergies: Get good IgG and IgE food allergy tests, make sure you don't also have systemic candida, and avoid/rotate the foods you are allergic to.

If you can't afford the $100 food allergy test from your alternative medicine provider, you can instead try going 1 month each without wheat, dairy, and yeast. Those are the most common offenders. If any of them is involved, you should notice a difference!

7. Irregular eating: Eat more regularly. Identify and deal with hypoglycemia - research shows, and specialists know that hypoglycemia can cause rebound migraines. See below for eating tips.

If you don't have a regular appetite, Relieve Constraint will help somewhat, but you may want to consider medical-quality enzyme supplements.

8. Fatigue or lack of exercise: If exercise makes you worse, then you need strengthening herbs. However, you may have to wait til #1-6 above are better before you can tonify yourself.
If exercise makes you better, then you're stagnant. Keep exercising, especially aerobic like basketball, running, or swimming, and take Relieve Constraint.

Dietary Home Migraine Remedy Options:
As mentioned in the chart, hypoglycemia can lead to rebound migraines. There's some research to back that up - see the references at the bottom of the page.

How to control your hypoglycemia:

* Increase the amount of protein in your diet (meat, poultry, fish, nuts, beans) and eat smaller meals more frequently during the day to sustain energy.
* Never go for more than four or five hours without eating -- preferably no more than three hours.
* If you sleep in on weekends, but find you wake with the beginnings of a migraine, keep a starchy snack by the bed.
* Eat small, starchy snacks, but not sugary or processed foods, on a regular basis. Crackers, rice, bread, and pasta are all good, as are fruits and nuts.
* Many migraine sufferers find that strenuous or prolonged exercise lowers their blood sugar levels and makes them more prone to attacks. Try taking a glucose tablet (or a teaspoon of glucose) before exercising, and a starchy snack within half an hour of finishing. This may help compensate for lost energy. However, once your diet has been corrected, glucose tablets shouldn't be necessary.
Not having an appetite is a problem!

Most people worry about their weight and want to get rid of their appetites. But for a migraineur, not having an appetite is a problem. Whether you are enzyme deficient, or your gastrointestinal system is all backed up, or both, you need to fix it.

If you don't have an appetite, you won't eat enough (leading to hypoglycemia), and even if you do eat enough, you won't be able to digest it properly. Indigestion will create more problems, like acid reflux or intestinal stagnation. Since everything in your body is connected, and migraineurs are so sensitive, all of these things can contribute to a migraine.

Herbal Home Migraine Remedy Options:
Let me tell you about a modern migraine formula, called
Relieve Constraint.

This is a modern Chinese herbal formula, a home migraine remedy. It comes from a book by Philippe Sionneau, a famous European Chinese medicine translator and author. Philippe translated it from the Chinese article written by Dr Cao De Ting in the Shan Dong Chinese Medicine Journal (1988, #1).

The full name of this home migraine remedy is the "Order the Qi and Resolve the Depression Decoction." It's based on what has become one of my favorite Chinese herbal formulas, "Yue ju wan," also known as the "Escape Restraint Pill." This formula was written by herbal master Zhu Dan Xi in the 14th century A.D.

The Relieve Constraint home migraine remedy relieves all 6 types of constraint (with the herb for each):

qi (cyperus)
blood (ligustici)
dampness (atractylodes)
food (shenqu)
phlegm (atractylodes)
heat (gardenia)

Added to the basic Escape Restraint Pill (to make the Relieve Constraint home migraine remedy) are several other herbs for emotional constraint, nourishing, moving the excess qi and blood down out of the head, relieving tension, and stopping pain. These herbs are chrysanthemum, cassia, tribulus, uncaria, peony, and licorice.

How do you use it?
Take it when you know a migraine is coming, or even before that after one of the migraine contributors has occurred in your daily life. It can help once the migraine is already there, but as with other home migraine remedy, it's much more effective the sooner you take it.

Depending on how bad and how frequent your migraines are, you might use this home migraine remedy every day, or every few days. If they're really bad, I'd take it every day for a while (2-4 weeks) until it's much better. Then, you still may need it occasionally unless you eliminate all migraine triggers, move to the countryside, and live a perfectly relaxed life;-)

Thursday 13 February 2014

Aromatherapy at Home: Beating the Cold Bug

It seems that nearly everyone I know has been either fighting or recovering from a cold or flu these last few weeks. And many of my clients have been asking how essential oils can help them prevent or heal their illnesses. There are a few things you can do to prevent yourself from catching a bad cold:
  • Diffuse eucalyptus essential oil at home to clean and purify the air.
  • Take a "winter bath" once or twice a week with the following aromatherapy blend to boost your immune system and keep you healthy during the chilly winter!
In a 10-ml bottle, pour the essential oils first and then add an organic vegetable oil to fill:
  • 15 drops of Ravensara
  • 8 drops of Rosemary
  • 6 drops of Thyme officinalis

Pour a big package of Epsom Salts into the bathtub and add your aromatic blend. Make sure you allow at least 20 minutes to breathe in the vapors, adding more hot water as needed to keep steaminess at a maximum. Wrap yourself warmly when you get out, and enjoy a hot herbal tea prepared with Echinacea and Ginseng.
Do you already feel a cold coming on? Have you been experiencing chills, mild fever, headache, stuffy nose, dry sore throat, and fatigue? To help you battle your cold or flu, take a hot bath with the following aromatic recipe once or twice a day if necessary.
In a 10-ml bottle, pour the essential oils first and then add an organic vegetable oil to fill:
  • 15 drops of Ravensara
  • 10 drops of Rosemary
  • 8 drops of Thyme officinalis
  • 8 drops of Eucalyptus

Pour a big package of Epsom Salts into the bathtub and add your aromatic blend. Make sure you allow at least 20 minutes to breathe in the vapors, adding more hot water as needed to keep steaminess at a maximum. Wrap yourself warmly when you get out, then treat yourself to a good hot soup such as Miso Green Onion, Hot and Sour (Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai), or good ol' Chicken Soup.
Don't underestimate the power of soup! In one study, participants who consumed chicken soup experienced an increase in the flow of nasal secretions (when compared to just plain hot and cold water). The taste and aroma is believed to be part of the therapy, as well as the inhalation of the vapors. In another study, researchers found that chicken soup had anti-inflammatory properties, even when extremely diluted.
Also, drink plenty of orange juice (rich in Vitamin C) and purchase echinacea-goldenseal tincture that you will take according to the directions on the bottle.
But foremost...rest, rest, rest!
In Good Health,
Sai Naseeb

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Yoga And Pregnancy - How These Two Different Aspects Bring Joy For The Next 9 Months In Your Life?

Pregnancy is the most beautiful phase in any woman's life. However, pregnancy can really bother you a lot. But let me tell you that there is no need to be in such a dilemmatic state because pregnancy is a blessing showered on you as you are going to bring the most beautiful gift of God on earth and that is 'life'. You all must be thinking that pregnancy is a delicate situation and how can you manage with yoga sessions, where a lot of physical activity is required. The first question that pops up the mind of every woman who reaches a yoga practitioner, "is it secure to perform yoga?" Well, most of you out there must be under the notion that it is surely unsafe to indulge in yoga during gestation period.
However, it is a proved thing that yoga is an essential requirement during pregnancy. Yoga and pregnancy are the two complementary aspects which cannot be neglected. Still you don't believe me? In this article, I am going to describe three most important reasons why any pregnant woman would be doing yoga in this 'tender phase'.
Amazing practice for you and your baby
It is important for women to realize the fact that all the poses and asanas will not harm your baby at all. By staying physically fit, you will be able to create a lively and healthy environment around your baby. If you are physically fit, it will help in fluid retention thereby making your baby feel relaxed and comfortable.
Meditation is also a part of yoga that helps to keep the body and mind calm and composed. Would be mothers can keep their mood swinging and emotional eruption far away. Mothers who have exercised yoga are able to withstand the duties and requirements of motherhood quite easily and also set aside the depression from their life.
Provide energy and courage for the big time (labour)
Yoga is a powerful remedy that will make you tough mentally to face your final trimester. All those exercises and stretches will aid you during those difficult final hours. Women who have exercised yoga during their pregnancy phase have a more stretchable body and better control over breathing that help them to tackle the labour pain easily.
Yoga helps to reduce weight after delivery
Women who involve themselves in yoga during pregnancy remain finer during their delicate phase and most of the acquired weight is lost easily after delivery. Further, they don't have to face the pain of a baby belly later. In plain terms, you can remain internally fit and can come to your original physique swiftly.
In a nutshell, yoga with all its goodness can take you far away. You just have to eat correct and remain happy to feel the perks of this great practice during your blessed phase of life. The only thing that needs precaution is your practice under experienced yoga trainer. Stay healthy and beautiful!

Enjoy Health-Giving Juice Every Day

Juicing can be a wonderful way to make sure that you are getting all of the vitamins that you need from fruits and vegetables without actually having to eat them. Many people have trouble with the taste, but when it is in juice form they don't mind it so much. Here are some wonderful juicing tips to get you started.
Do not forget to remove hard pits from fruits like peaches and cherries before sending them down the juicer. These pits can destroy your juicers blades turning your happy purchase into a giant paperweight. Don't get into such a flow in your juicing that you forget to make the fruits safe for juicing.
Use cucumber as a great flavor disguiser when you are juicing greens. Cucumber is excellent at masking the strong flavors inherent in greens. A juice's health benefits aren't going to do you much good if you can't stand to drink it. Cucumber also has the extra added benefit of being chockfull of important vitamins and nutrients itself.
Learn to love wheat grass if you can. Start your wheat grass relationship off very slowly as it is an extremely strong tasting plant. The nutrient benefits are out of this world but some people think the taste is as well. Use strongly flavored fruits and small amounts of wheatgrass and work your way up to larger amounts over time.
Wheat grass is only usable by us when it has been juiced. We physically can't process the fibers when it is in plant form. Learning to enjoy wheat grass will provide your body with benefits from nourishing your kidneys, providing vitalization to your skin and body, and removing toxic metals from your body's cells.
When you make apple juice, use the ripest and sweetest apples that you can. If the apples you use are bruised, it is okay if you remove the bruises. Apples, such as Gala, Rome, Red Delicious, and Rome, are sweet and make richer, more flavorful juices.
Buy a juicer made of high quality. This is important if you plan to use your juicer regularly. A good juicer will make as much juice as you want, be easy to maintain and clean, and last a long time. Don't try to skimp on price or you might end up buying more juicers than you want to; bad juicers just don't stand the test of time.
Keep all the tools you use in juicing, like your cutting board, knives, measuring cups, juicer, etc. together in their own place so you always know where they are. The one reason you won't continue juicing is because you're not keeping your things organized, leaving you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed.
Take it one day at a time when you start juicing. Maybe today you really don't feel like putting a new item in your juice, and that's okay! There's always tomorrow, or even the next day. You must avoid apathy, though, as it may mean that you never try out new items, items that you might absolutely love!
If you don't want any pulp in the juice you create, you can use a coffee filter on the extrusion spout. Some juicers make very pulpy juice, and that may not be to your liking. Strain juices through a cheesecloth or a coffee filter to get rid of the pulp.
When it comes to juicing, one thing that you want to keep in mind is that you will want to make sure that you purchase all of your fruits and vegetables from local farmers markets. Local farmers markets often will have a greater selection and lower prices than normal grocery stores.
When it comes to juicing, one thing that you want to keep in mind is the fact that you may wish to invest in an expensive set of knives. This can be very beneficial because with nicer tools, your juicing experience will become that much easier to do and you will find that you are much more efficient.
Incorporate spices into your juicing. There are a variety of spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, garlic, ginger and others, that can can boost the flavor output of your juices. If you have flavors you want to experiment with, look for recipes online or you can look for spices that work well with fruits or vegetables. Be sure to check their health and nutrition values.
As you get older, you may notice that you start to feel fatigued and sore. If so, you should consider adding more juice to your diet. Drinking fresh juice provides you with nutrients that help memory, relieve joint pain and provide many other benefits.
You know how important it is to eat at least the daily requirements of fruits and vegetables. For some people this in near impossible until they learn how to use a juicer. This article is an excellent tool to keep around anytime you are in need of juicing tips for yourself.

Monday 10 February 2014

Eat Foods That Help Prevent Cancer

There are foods that help to prevent cancer from growing in the body. People can eat these foods to help them to avoid getting cancer. The best foods to eat to help prevent cancer are the unprocessed plant foods that contain many phytochemicals, instead of animal foods.
Green Tea or White Tea

Green and white tea are not fermented. Black tea is more fermented and this destroys some of the nutrients in it. Green tea comes from the leaves and white tea comes from the tea buds. Studies show that the more green tea that someone drinks, the less chance that they have of getting cancer.
Many studies show that tea is great at preventing cancer. The Chinese have been drinking tea for 5,000 years. People should drink tea instead of water. Although tea is 99% water. In Chinese restaurants you get tea, instead of water, at no cost.
Drinking green tea can also help you to lose weight. Excess weight increases your chances of getting cancer. Green or white tea also helps to cleanse the body of toxins. Tea also helps with cognitive ability and studies also show that it prevents Alzheimer's disease.
The book Anticancer: A New Way of Life (2008) by David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD says:
Green tea also acts as a detoxifier for the body. It activates mechanisms in the liver that can then eliminate cancerous toxins from the body more rapidly. In mice, it has been shown to block the effects of chemical carcinogens responsible for breast, lung, esophageal, stomach, and colon cancer
Berries have many phytochemicals in them that help to prevent cancer.

Cabbage Family Vegetables
 Cabbage family vegetables are the most popular foods for preventing cancer. They include cabbage, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, radish and others. They have phytochemicals in them that help protect the body from getting cancer.
Anti-inflammatory Foods

Anti-inflammatory foods prevent most diseases. This especially includes preventing arthritis, heart attacks and cancer. One website lists their top 10 anti-inflammatory foods.
This list of the top 10 anti-inflammatory foods include broccoli, blueberries, green tea, turmeric (a spice), shiitake mushrooms, papaya fruit, sweet potato and extra virgin olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil is also good for losing weight and helping the arteries to work better. Some experts say that turmeric is the most anti-inflammatory food.


Eating grapes has a cleansing effect on the body. This helps the body to get rid of toxins. It is best to buy organic grapes since conventional grapes have many pesticides on them

Know How to Fight Against the Bacteria That Affects Your Tonsils

Most people are aware of terms like tonsillitis and a tonsillectomy. But, do you really know what they actually mean and how they can create problems for you? People who usually get affected by tonsillitis can feel quite a bit of pain. So, it's always useful for you to know how the tonsils function and how they can get affected.
To get started, you must know at which part of your body the tonsils are located. Tonsils are basically two pieces of tissues that are located at the back of the throat. They are an integral part of the immune system. They serve a useful purpose of filtering things getting down through your throat. Filtering is done to catch the bacteria and germs. A malfunction of this filtering process may let the germs spread over other parts of the body, thus resulting in infection. The two pieces of tissues can also help you to fight against infections.
Too much filtering often causes the tonsils swell up and expand. When experienced, it becomes painful for one to swallow. There is no age limit as to when this problem can happen. However, it mostly affects children. Sometimes it happens during the changing of season or in the winter. People get badly affected by influenza and strep under these circumstances.
Throat pain is the first sign of trouble. It feels agonizing as you can suffer from tender lumps. In such cases, if you open your mouth then, you will find some reddish or yellowish coatings in the back of your throat. It may affect your voice as well.
In addition, another thing that may bother you is not having an appetite. You may also experience chills and a feverous feeling with swelling in your jaw and neck areas. It results in bad breath and a smell from your mouth.
If you find that the pain is quite unbearable then you must consult a doctor. A doctor will examine the affected area carefully and swab the area. The doctor may also investigate if any strep bacteria bits do exist. Depending on the severity, the doctor may recommend that you use medicines or antibiotics.
Once you are done with the initial remedial measures, the last call is to get your tonsils removed. The surgical process of removing the tonsils is called a Tonsillectomy. When you find them to be obstructing your airways or making it really hard to eat anything then you must go for such a surgical treatment. With advent of technology, surgeons are also applying some advanced tools such as ultrasounds and lasers for dealing with this serious issue.
Unless you are left without any option other than going for surgical treatment, it's better for you consult a doctor and take the initiative accordingly. However, it is always recommended for you not to go for self diagnosis while taking chances on your own.