Saturday 15 February 2014

Stressed? Have You Tried This Yet?

Due to an overload of stress in today's modern world, we can often lose touch with our sense of calm and even our sense of who we are.
While not to blame, cities play a big part in the overload our systems are exposed to, which is why this one simple tip often works wonders to alleviate the symptoms of stress and calm the nerves, which is a good thing for anybody.
When I first heard this tip, images of long-haired hippies with hairy feet flashed across my mind- however I am prepared to try anything if it works and lo and behold this worked.
The next time you're feeling stressed out, overloaded with so much on your plate you're not sure what day it is, give this simple tip a go and see it if helps.
Find a nice patch of lawn or grass covered-area somewhere, remove your shoes and socks, and simply walk around on it bare foot.
I have no scientific evidence to validate why this works so well, only the empirical evidence, I and many others have experienced first-hand.
I totally understand it sounds crazy and I have no idea why it works, but for some reason, after a few minutes you are suddenly calmer, more grounded and able to think with a clearer mind.
For Supersized Results
For even greater results, take it to the next level and make time to get out into Nature at least once a day.
If you're in a big city, find a park or anywhere that has trees and ground that isn't made of concrete.
There's something about being in Nature, that relaxes you while clearing away any stress or mental fogginess that may have accumulated in daily life.
At first, it may seem a bit strange to be out in the woods when you're used to the buzz of city life, however do this a few times and it soon becomes second nature. Something that really helps is to find a fun activity that takes place in nature (e.g. hiking, trail running, rock climbing etc).
Belly Breathing Technique
Another quick and effective tip for immediate stress relief is the Belly Breathing Technique.
The next time you feel overwhelmed by stress or anxiety, simply take a deep breath in through your nose, picturing the air travelling all the way down to behind your belly button.
Breathe in for 5 seconds, hold the air in behind your belly button for 5 seconds, then breathe out through your mouth for 5 seconds, releasing all the stress and tension with each out breath.
In for 5 - Hold for 5 - out for 5 seconds.
Do this a few times until you feel a release of tension and experience a state of calm.
Again, don't believe me, try it for yourself a few times and see if you notice any improvement in your peace of mind.
That's it for now, hope these tips help.

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